dimanche 8 janvier 2012

Les Meutes du Seigneur Loup

Force d'attaque

HQ 1
Wolf Lord Thunderwolf Mount Power Sword Belt of Russ Melta Bombs, runic armour, Wolf Tail Talisman XP: SCORING,
2 x Fenrisian Wolves SCORING
HQ 2
Rune Priest Chooser of the Slain --- Living Lightning --- Murderous Hurricane
XP: FOCUS, 3+ invulnérable vs Psy

Elite 1
Wolf Guard Pack ( 5 guards) 2 x Combi-melta & Power Fist Bolter & Power Fist
Bolt, Pistol & Power Axe & Melta Bombs, Terminator & Cyclone Launcher
Troop 1
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun, Power Axe, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen
Troop 2
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun, Power Fist, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen
Troop 3
Grey Hunters Pack (5 marines) Plasma gun, Power Axe

Fast Attack 1
Thunderwolf Cavalry (4 cav.) Storm Shield, Power Weapon, 1 x Melta Bombs

Heavy 1
Long Fangs Pack (6 marines) 5 missile launchers
XP: Tank Hunter
Garnison régulière de défense
HQ 1
Rune Priest Chooser of the Slain --- Living Lightning --- Murderous Hurricane
HQ 2
Wolf Guard Battle Leader Power Sword Wolf Tale Talisman
2 x Fenrisian Wolves
Elite 1
Wolf Guard Pack (5 guards) 2 x Combi-melta & Power Fist Storm bolter & Power Fist, Bolt Pistol & Power Axe & melta Bombs, Terminator & Cyclone LauncherTroop 1
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun, Power Axe, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen,
Troop 2
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun, Power Fist, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen,
Troop 3
Grey Hunters Pack (5 marines) Plasma gun, Power Axe
Troop 4
Grey Hunters Pack (5 marines) Plasma gun, Power Axe
Heavy 1
Long Fangs Pack (6 marines) 5 missile launchers
Heavy 2
Long Fangs Pack (6 marines)4 missile launchers, 1 lascannon
Heavy 3
Predator tank, Autocannon, Lascannons Sponsons
Force de défense de la Forteresse
Njal Stormcaller Runic terminator armor Wolftooth necklace Staff of the Stormcaller Nightwing Saga of Majesty
Wolf Priest Melta bombs Wolf Tail talisman Bolt pistol & power weapon
Wolf Guard Pack (6 guards) 2 x Combi-melta & Power Fist Storm bolter & Power Fist Storm bolter & Frost Blade & Melta bombs Thunder hammer Terminator & Cyclone Launcher
Lone Wolf Terminator Armor Chainfist
2 x Fenrisian Wolves
Lone Wolf Power Sword Melta Bombs
2 x Fenrisian Wolves
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun Power Axe Wolf Standard Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunters Pack (9 marines) Meltagun Power Axe Wolf Standard Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunters Pack (5 marines) Plasma gun Power Axe
Grey Hunters Pack (5 marines) Plasma gun Power Axe
Long Fangs Pack (6 marines) 5 missile launchers --Tank Hunters--
Long Fangs Pack (6 marines) 4 missile launchers 1 lascannon
Long Fangs Pack (5 marines) 2 Plasma Cannons 1 Heavy Bolter 1 Multi-Melta
Predator tank Autocannon Lascannons Sponsons

1 commentaire:

  1. résultats de games pour les skills liste d'attaque:
    Le Wolf Lord perd son Arme Légendaire.
    Unité de Long Fangs gagne RELENTLESS (j'ai pogné 1 sur le dé mais, j'ai déjà Acute Senses!)
